Thursday 31 July 2008

Tate Modern Museum

Street Art exhibition

This summer until 25th August, the Tate Modern Museum is holding an exhibition dedicated to street art enthusiasts. There are six huge pieces on display on the building itself, visible from across the millennium bridge.

Each piece was designed by a different artist from around the world, giving an insight to their ideas of street art as well as the cultural differences. In particuar the photograph of a black man holding a video camera has been staged to look like a gun, creating a strong reaction to the stereotypes of the society today.

The information pod gives visitors more information regarding the artists and invites them to create art of their own using the materials to illustrate on the walls, leaving their own mark.

Another part of the exhibition is the walking tour, spread out around the local area. Artists from madrid were invited to create site-specific art, hoping to engage the local community and/or draw attention to the urban environment which is often ignored. 

The idea of making the street art interactive to the viewers and the community gives a positive attitude to street art, hopefully changing their views and creating a sense of acceptance within the pubic.